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Word from the Mission Field: 2-21-19 6:00 AM

“Wash Your Face… Dry Your Eyes…” 2 Samuel 12:20

The Prophet Nathan is coming to see King David. David has tried to hide his sins, but nothing is hidden from God. When David was supposed to be in battle with other kings, he was on the top of his porch, watching his neighbor, Bathsheba take a bath! He invites her to his palace, and she becomes pregnant, which wouldn’t have been half so bad had it not been that she was the wife of Uriah, one of David’s faithful soldiers. So, David had to “cover up his sin,” and sent Uriah into battle against the enemies of Israel… he sends him to the front lines. He then receives the news that Uriah is dead, and he marries Bathsheba. But Nathan the Prophet comes to announce God’s judgment and anger on David. The Prophet Nathan tells David that “the child” Bathsheba is carrying will die, and David has to pick a choice of “three” of God’s punishments to endure upon David and his people, but David lays on his face and fasts, prays and lays in sackcloth, neither eating nor drinking, in hopes the child will live. But the child dies. All David’s servants hate to approach the King to tell him the child is dead, but they finally gather the courage. When he hears this, David gets up, washes his face, dries his tears, changes his clothes and goes to worship God. You may have messed your life up, done something wrong, sinned against God, and you think He cannot forgive you. Or you have been hurt by someone and you think “life is over,” but, “it’s time to wash your face, dry your eyes, and change your clothes,” and keep on going! God isn’t finished with you! Your greatest days are ahead! Today is one of them! Sherry

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