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“I Was Naked and Ye Clothed Me…”

Just look at the smiles on the faces of these poor Haitian mothers. They have been through so much, with gangs on the streets, and trying to feed their children with these gangs controlling the streets. They come with poor clothing and ripped sandals and if it weren’t for some[…]

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Update: Feed My Starving Children Conference

Sherry and I arrived here on Monday. With me in the picture is Mark Crea, President of Feed My Starving Children. We have been good friends for years. FMSC is a platinum organization… “a prince among the poor.” Sherry had her French press Starbucks coffee this morning at 4 AM[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

One Day “Go Ahead and Mock God, if You Will.”  That’s what the world is doing right now. They make fun of God, of Christians, and even make fun of congressmen, senators, or even presidents, who fear God. But, the God who sits up high, and looks down low… the[…]

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Jessica… Everyone calls her “Ada”

She is the sister to Bianca and Raphael. Her parents we are told died on a Haitian boat headed to the States, many years ago. We are raising these three children inside our Love A Child Orphanage. Jessica is now 17, and she wants to be a doctor. She helps[…]

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Quick Turn Around

I was contacted by Jackson’s doctors late last week. They informed me that Jackson needed to return to Santo Domingo quickly. A culture from his abdomen taken about a week ago came back positive for a dangerous type of bacteria. We are here now. Phanise, one of our nurses, was[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“And He must needs go through Samaria.” John 4:4 I always wondered about this scripture… it means, “Jesus HAD to go through Samaria.” The Jews were not friends with the Samaritans. They usually avoided this route and always went around. The Jews did not get along with the Samaritans, they[…]

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Our Sweet Rebecca

Rebecca is just a special young girl. Nelio, our administrator here in Haiti, came to us one day, about 13 years ago, telling us about a man “who was going to sell a little girl, to another man!” I said, “Pay the guy and bring her here!” I was so[…]

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Travel Update

Sherry and I are heading down to Deerfield Beach, Florida to attend the Feed My Starving Children Conference. We have been partnering with Feed My Starving Children now for 19 years, helping to feed the poor Haitian children together. Thank you, FMSC, for all your help. Thank you, to all[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Be Strong and Very Courageous.” God’s people have to be strong, especially nowadays. There are things, “evil spirits,” from hell, fighting us on every side. We know what is right and we must always stand by what the Lord wants us to do. We see Joshua, a young man who[…]

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Growing up Fast… Mika!

Mika Georges… Mika’s mother, Madamn Mercilla, died during complications in childbirth (she had her babies in the mountains, at home). Her father, St. Cappe, could not care for the twins. They lived high in the mountains in the village of Covant, many hours away from us, via four-wheel-drive, then, on[…]

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