Bobby, David George and Joel Trimble are in Jérémie, Haiti, where the hurricane struck in October 2016. Soon after the hurricane, Bobby partnered with Joel to build 50 new houses with furniture for the poor people who lived in caves. Now, David George and his partners want to help build a new church for these...
These are some of the pregnant mothers that come to our Maternity Clinic for consultation. We have mothers coming from all over Haiti to our Clinic! Our doctors give them the best care. We are now building a Birthing Center for poor mothers to be able to have their babies in a clean environment. Right...
The dates for our next “chicken school” have just been set for July 22-28, 2018. There is already interest from eight students (the maximum number for a training session), and they will be coming from all over Haiti to the Poul Mirak Chicken School. Students from as far away as Bohoc, Pignon, and Cabaret will...
“And who then, is my neighbor?” Jesus told this familiar story in Luke 10:27-37. Jesus was talking to a young lawyer, who had asked the question, “What should I do that I may have eternal life?” Jesus said, “What is written in the law?” The lawyer answered him and ended with, “and thou shalt love...
Update on Alvin Jonsley We just received sad news about Alvin's condition. The MRI he just had indicates the tumors in his brain, and spinal cord have been growing even while he has received chemotherapy each week. The doctors will decide what to do next. He is the only child of his mother, but Prayer...
When we first came to Sapaterre, we found many, many mothers and children making "mud cookies" to sell and to eat. We created jobs for five mothers, and it has been a blessing to see them sell clothing, shoes and other items, rather than mud cookies. We send food to them on a regular basis...
This morning, David George, Bobby, and Joel Trimble left in a small plane, bound for Jérémie, Haiti. As you may recall, southern Haiti was hardest hit by the last hurricane, which pounded the southern coast of Haiti last year. We found people and children living in caves and with the help of God's people, along with...
“Put Your Hand to the Plow and Don't Look Back…” Jesus often taught his disciples and others with stories and parables. He related to things of their time so they could understand what He was talking about. Jesus was teaching them that “follow me” means, “follow me and don't look back.” This is what the...
We are so thankful for our friends and partners who do all this wonderful work here in Haiti. We remember when we first went to the village of Madamn Bauje…the kids were sitting on wooden tree poles and had no blackboards or classrooms. David George and his partners helped with the beautiful school and church....
Things are happening at Gwo Maché Mirak in Fond Parisien! Farmer John’s Slaughterhouse will be having their Grand Opening soon. The best beef, goat, pig, and chicken you have ever tasted! Farmer John’s meat will be USDA standards. They will have a full-time health inspector on site at all times. John is famous for the...