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Sherry helping lady with food

Word from the Mission Field – 12-14-17

“Then said I, Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.” Jeremiah 1:5 – God is not interested in what you cannot do. (We all have excuses.) He is more interested in what you are willing to do. He can work with that! Sherry

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Love A Child

We welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander: 12-13-17 10:30 AM

We welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander to Love A Child. Mark has been here over 450 times! Mark is also on our Love A Child Board of Directors. When Mark comes down to Haiti, he starts working before daylight and works past dark. He is an incredibly hard worker and he[…]

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Word from the Mission Field – 12-13-17

“From the Belly of the Whale…” Jonah is a very interesting character in the Bible. God called him to go to Nineveh to preach against the wickedness, but he rose up to flee to Tarshish from the “presence of the Lord.” What was he? Stupid? Where did he think he[…]

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Esther Update

Esther Update – 12-12-17

This sweetie is Esther. She has been living at the Love A Child Children’s Home since she was a baby. Esther’s mother was very ill and told us she was dying. She begged us to take Esther and her sister, and we did! We also sent Esther’s mother to a[…]

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Update on Dimelia in the states

Update on Dimelia in the states: 12-12-17 8:00 AM

Those of you who know our children at our Love A Child Children’s Home in Haiti, know that Dimelia, in the middle, was brought to us at the young age of four with horrible scars from a severe burn that she suffered. She is in Boston, and has more laser surgeries[…]

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Word from the Mission Field – 12-12-17

“Faith Sees Things that our Natural Eye Does Not…” “And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.” Genesis 13:16 Faith can always see what we cannot. God[…]

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Bianca Update

Update on Bianca

Bianca Loseau and her two siblings, Raphael and Ada, lost their parents Ana Jean and Fane Loseau when they attempted to go to the United States in a rickety old boat in search of work. It is presumed that the boat sank and they were lost at sea. Bianca’s aunt[…]

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Alvin Jonsley

Update on Alvin Jonsley

Update on Alvin Jonsley: We have been working on the passports for Alvin Jonsley and his mother to travel to the U.S. so this young boy can have an operation on the tumor that is traveling from from his brain to his optic nerve. This is what caused his eye[…]

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