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Update on Jacque

Update on Jacque: 11-26-17 8:00 PM

You may remember Jacque, who came to our Love A Child Children’s Home with his sister Fabiola. His mother had died, and his father could not take care of his children. He would often leave them alone for many days at a time. He was looking for work but was[…]

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Bananas from the growers at the ATC

Lots of Bananas from the growers at the ATC: 11-26-17 4:40 PM

Wilner, our Agriculture Training Center Director and teacher, just sent us these pictures of him, his staff and his students!! They brought these beautiful stalks of bananas over to our children’s home! All the children just love the bananas! The bananas are so good and healthy for the children. Wilner is[…]

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Bobby and Sherry Return to Haiti: 1-26-17 11:35 AM

Sherry and I flew all night on American Airlines and arrived back in Haiti this morning. Now we are back with our Haitian family. When you live in a home with just over 100 people, it’s different! You will never be bored! Ha! Love is something you do! Bobby

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Word from the Mission Field: 11-26-17 6:10 AM

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” This is the majesty of God, our Creator. He is our light, even in the darkest night, and He never changes. This is the[…]

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Update on Natalie

Update on Natalie: 11-25-17 7:00 PM

When Natalie Norvil was less than a year old, her father brought her to our malnutrition clinic because she was terribly underweight and very thin. Natalie’s mother had recently died, and her father couldn’t care for her. She had to stay at the malnutrition clinic for quite a while until[…]

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Burnette Family in Death Valley

Burnette Family in Death Valley: 10-25-17 10:10 AM

Here are some pictures from Death Valley with two of our grandchildren. We will have one more set of pictures today hopefully. We are having a great time with our family!! This afternoon we leave for the airport in Vegas returning to Haiti in the morning. The weather is perfect[…]

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“What to Do in Times of Trouble.” How would you feel, if someone told you that “tomorrow” you would be executed or killed for serving the Lord? Or how would you take it if you got “bad news” that regarded your very life? In Daniel the 6th Chapter, King Darius[…]

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Update on George

Update on George

When Georges was only one week old, he was brought to our Love A Child Orphanage. His mother, Elmice Maricile, had planned to give birth at a local hospital and abandon him there. She ended up giving birth during Hurricane Georges in September of 1989. Georges and his sister Stephanie[…]

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Burnette Family Enjoying Death Valley

Burnette Family Enjoying Death Valley: 11-24-17 9:20 AM

As most of you know, Sherry and I are with our family here in Death Valley for Thanksgiving. Sorry for the late picture but our Internet capability is very limited. We have more pictures but so far our cell phone won’t send them. Hopefully, we can send them later on[…]

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Word from the Mission Field: 11-24-17 6:00 AM

“I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” Isaiah 43:1-2[…]

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