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Word from the Mission Field – 08-25-17

“The Locust and Cankerworm…” Have you ever felt as though you lost something that you can’t get back? Maybe it was your job, your child to drugs, your house, anything? With God, all things are possible and God is the great “restorer!” When the poor people of Haiti were caught[…]

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Jackson Update

Jackson Update – 08-24-17

This little boy was discovered during one of our Mobile Medical Clinics in the village of Savaan Pit, Haiti. His stomach was swollen as if he was “nine months pregnant.”  He begged me to take him from the village because he was so sick, and we did. For months, (Jackson)[…]

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Helping the poor

Helping the poor: 8-24-17 10:50 AM

Isn’t it great to help others “who help others?” When you give to Love A Child, you help us give to others who feed the poor. These precious people are being fed through the Good Samaritan Foundation, who helps the poor! Thank you partners!! Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Christian School in Haiti Bobby Burnette

Word from the Mission Field – 08-23-17

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8 – Are you willing to say yes to the calling of the Lord in your life today? Are you willing to[…]

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School for Savaan Pit

School for Savaan Pit: 8-23-17 3:00 PM

Love A Child has 18 schools throughout Haiti, and several received a lot of damage during the most recent natural disaster, Hurricane Matthew. We are renovating and rebuilding the school in Savaan Pit. This school was severely damaged during the 2010 earthquake and then destroyed during the hurricane. Please read[…]

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Sherry's Journal

Sherry’s Journal: 8-23-17 11:35 AM

In the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, many of our Love A Child Schools were severely damaged. We are now rebuilding those schools, one-by-one, by faith alone. Right now we are working in Savaan Pit, building the new school next to the remains of the old school. Please read Sherry’s Journal[…]

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Word from the Mission Field – 08-23-17

“The Fourth Man in the Fire…” The Book of Daniel Chapter 3 tells an amazing story of three Hebrew young men who were thrown into a fiery furnace, all because they wouldn’t “bow down” to a false god. This made King Nebuchadnezzar so mad that he had the furnace heated[…]

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Nelson Update

Nelson Update – 08-22-17

I’m sure you remember this little guy. This is Nelson. He was living in the village of Old Le Tant and was near death when we discovered him. We found him sitting in the mud next to the pigs and his belly was full of worms. He was starving to[…]

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HEART 9/11 Team

Thank You HEART 9/11 Team: 8-22-17 9:05 AM

We are so thrilled and thankful to have the HEART 9/11 Team here at Love A Child. They all worked hard on our new Miracle Village School, which was sponsored by Joyce Meyer Ministries — Hand of Hope. Look at all the work they did! We also thank Jean Eddy[…]

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Word from the Mission Field – 08-22-17

“Be Thou Strong and Very Courageous…” I can see the old man with the weathered, wrinkled face, tired from many years of leading the Israelites to the new land. He lays hands on the young warrior, Joshua, and “imparts the spirit of wisdom” on him. (Deuteronomy 34:9) Joshua has big shoes[…]

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