These little Haitian children are so thankful for their food. They receive a hot meal each day at our Love A Child Schools, due to Child Sponsorship. They learn Christian principles, Bible verses, and songs, in addition to their academic studies. What a blessing to these poor, sweet Haitian children! Thank you, partners! Bobby and Sherry
Housing for the poor in Haiti is often not much more than a mud hut, or layers of plastic and old clothing and whatever other scraps that they can pull into a tent-like structure. Whatever they find to build a home, it is all they have. So when the earth rumbles or the hurricane winds...
Baby Noah is doing much better. He is finally able to keep a little food down. He is very cautious about people and is starved for love. He has been so abused that it will take him a while to adjust. Please remember Noah in your prayers. “Love Is Something You Do.” Bobby and Sherry
The Rear View Mirror... One time I was in a car going down the road with a man. He kept looking in his rear view mirror. He just kept looking at it! He made me nervous! I asked, “What are you looking at in the mirror? Is someone following us?” In real life, you must...
This sweet little girl is Mika Burnette. We found this pitiful child sitting in the dirt with brittle orange hair and sucking on her hand because she was so hungry in the village of Madamn Bauje while shooting footage of the Love A Child television program. We realized that she was suffering from severe malnutrition,...
Today we are distributing food to five more villages that depend on us for food each month. We are also preparing for the 30 members of the Joyce Meyer Ministries — Hand of Hope medical team arriving on Saturday. They will be helping in three different villages. We are partnering together. Joyce Meyer Ministries — Hand of...
Your past is over! Don’t let Satan use the memory of your past to taunt you. “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.” Isaiah 43:18 — Way before daylight this morning, I felt the Lord telling me to give you this scripture. “I will do a new thing; now it...
This sweet girl is Yolanda Estima Burnette. She is another one of our children who we found in the remote mountain village of Covant. Her mother died from childbirth fever after Yolanda's birth, which happens to many of the mothers here in Haiti. Yolanda was born into a family of six other children. Her father,...
This morning at 8:00 AM, we opened our monthly food distribution for 91 organizations; over half are orphanages that desperately need the food. Today we are giving out almost 600,000 meals!! Thank you Feed My Starving Children for donating the eight containers of food each month. Thank you for our partners, who by faith each...
“Location, location, location…” Have you ever heard that “location is everything?” It is also true of God's plan for your life. Sometimes, we are in a place that is not God's divine will. His Divine Will is the “assignment He has for you.” When we get in the center of God's will, in complete obedience,...