This cutie is Jameson. He was brought to our Jesus Healing Center with horrible sores from his head to his toes. His eyes were so full of dust and dirt (from where he lived) that he couldn’t even open his little eyes! It was so sad, and he was so uncomfortable. Our Jesus Healing Center...
Some of you may remember the baby that was abandoned in the weeds at our front gate here in Haiti. He was severely malnourished. He had a couple of teeth in the front but could not sit or crawl, and he had a bad chest infection. We have made many trips to the doctor with...
It was a joy to have our daughter Julie with us during the toy distributions in the orphanages and to the children who live in the garbage dumps. Julie loves the children and Haitian people with all her heart. We want to again thank Townley Engineering and their employees for putting together 1,500 bags of...
“Only One Small Candle…” “Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.” Matthew 5:15 For the first three years we lived in Haiti, we had practically no electricity. We lived by candlelight. We were so poor...
Just look at this handsome young man. This is Jean Gardy and he has lived with us since the very early days. He lived in one of the first overcrowded orphanages that we rented. Jean Gardy’s mother died when he was young and his father wasn’t able to take care of him. His father came...
“The Least of these Little Ones.” Today, a lot of our older boys from Love A Child, along with Julie and Kaeli, visited Pastor Claude’s Orphanage, and the Heart for Haiti Orphanage. We have more toys from our friend Roger, bags of nuts and candy from Townley Manufacturing, and bicycles and wagons from our friends...
We wish to thank our wonderful Love A Child Office Staff, who worked so hard packing 1,000 bags of candy for the poor children here in Haiti! New Year's is the biggest holiday of the year, and we were all so busy for Christmas that we decided to have a "Holiday Party" with the poorest...
“Through it All…” This is one of the greatest songs ever written. I remember the first time I heard it… “Through it all, I have learned to trust in Jesus, learned to trust in God, and depend upon God's word.” Have you ever been disappointed in someone, a close friend? Maybe they have hurt you...
What unspeakable joy in the filthiest place in Haiti… the garbage dump at Truttier! We had promised these children we would come back with toys, candy and food. Our daughter Julie and our missionary Kaeli helped so much!!! Our own children here at Love A Child donated their best clothing and many of our children...
We are now beside the garbage dump in Port-Au-Prince. We just got here. We have food, toys, and clothes from our children who gave their best from the Children’s Home. Some of them are with us to help give their clothes out. Hundreds are here! We will have a lot more later!