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Papaya Plantation

Papaya Plantation

Wilner, the head of the Agricultural Training Center (ATC), sent this to me last evening. The Agricultural Training Center workers and students are doing a great job! Read the science and nutritional value of the papaya fruit. Sherry and I had one this morning for breakfast! Such a healthy and healing fruit.

Our ATC project is a sustainability project… teaching Haitians how to help themselves.

“Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Thank you, Rad Hazelip, for your vision for this project.

Bobby Burnette

Here is Wilner’s message below:

Hi my Big Boss!

Today the agriculture team (ATC) was working on the papaya plantation. We planted 100 papaya trees.
Papaya has many uses and nutritional value.

Some examples:
1= Ripe fruits like watermelon are eaten.
They make desserts or salads with the fruits.
They can be mixed with other fruits to make syrup, I believe.
In Haiti, many people like papaya juice.
They use the green fruits to make vegetables etc.

Nutritional value of papaya.

Ripe papaya contains a lot of vitamin A (1 to 2 milligrams per 100 grams). Vitamin C (30 to 80 milligrams per 100 grams), calcium and phosphorus. It has 10 percent sugar. When people eat it as a salad, it helps to make digestion better.
There are several advantages of papaya that make the agriculture of Love A Child into papaya production.
Thank you, we hope that we will continue to keep the Agriculture Training Center (ATC) team in our prayers to continue to keep Biodiversity strong, to fight the scourge of Climate Warming..
Wilner Exile.

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