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Peace Beyond all Understanding

Peace Beyond all Understanding

As most of you know, the conditions in Haiti right now are as bad or worse as they have ever been. In Bobby and Sherry’s many years living there, they have never seen it this bad. Lawless, violent gangs have crippled the nation and there is no safety. Anywhere. For anyone. This has caused commerce and normal daily living to be suspended. We cannot even get critically needed diesel fuel delivered for our Love A Child Children’s Home, medical clinics, and staff at Love A Child. Yet, this morning, we were talking to some of our Haitian friends in Fond Parisien and Bobby and Sherry, and even though there is constant tension, those that have Jesus in their hearts have a peace that goes beyond all understanding. Your prayers are as important as your financial support and mean so much to Bobby and Sherry, and encourage them to continue being a shining positive example of life with Christ in your heart.

Bobby and Sherry’s positive confident leadership is a calming, reassuring factor for the many people in Haiti who have learned to love Jesus. Thank you for your love, support, and prayers during these trying times. God bless you.

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director

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