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Please Pray We Find the Right Specialist for Dieuferly’s Feet

We are here in Santo Domingo with Dieuferly, waiting on the doctor. At 7:00 AM, when we arrived here at the hospital, there were probably 1,000 people waiting! Please pray we can find the right specialist for Dieuferly’s feet. He’s had three clubfoot operations in the past.

When he was very small Sherry, and I rode nine hours on our mule, taking him out of the interior, and he has been with us ever since. Please pray today. We want to thank RL and Vanessa for all of their help.

This is a photo of what they’ll do to Dieuferly’s feet, one foot at a time. He will have this done in the Dominican Republic.

Good news! We are also here to pick up this week the new Kia truck!!

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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