Do you know about the Poul Mirak Co-operatif (Miracle Chicken Co-op)? It is a unique enterprise designed to help Haitians help themselves. This project is located at the Grand Miracle Market and is a one-of-a-kind model for long-term sustainability with a goal of equipping, training and mentoring Haitians to begin a broiler growing operation (chicken business). The co-op receives 400 baby chicks each week to begin the 6-7 week grow-out period. After this time, the birds have reached market weight, and they are ready for sale to either a wholesaler or to retail buyers. This sustainable enterprise provides an opportunity for Haitians to become independent businessmen and is also an avenue for breaking their cycle of poverty. Love A Child partners provide financial support, as the Love A Child kitchens are a “customer” buying some of the fresh chickens. Our sustainability outreaches are helping change Haiti for the long-term, and we cannot do it without you. To donate, or for more information, visit our website. Rad Hazelip – LAC Team Member

Poul Mirak is great success: 1-24-18 3:00 PM
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