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“Praise Him in the Dance…” – PS 150:4

“Praise Him in the Dance…” – PS 150:4

These sweet girls are our Love A Child girls. They do beautiful praise dances in church or at special occasions, or even at home! When I came home the other day, they did a special “praise dance” as I came into the orphanage because they wanted to give me this “gift” for my Birthday! It brought tears to my eyes…

There is a story of King David in II Samuel 6:14. The people of God had just finished bringing the “Ark of the Lord” back to the “City of David.” And, King David could not contain his joy! The Bible says that when the ark came into the city, every 27 feet, King David stopped and sacrificed oxen to the Lord. Then the Bible says that King David “danced before the Lord with all his might!” I imagine he ran and jumped and twirled and could not stop dancing for joy! There are many scriptures in the Bible about “dancing before the Lord.” Some churches believe in this and some do not. I think there is a time and a place when the Lord does something so great in our life, or that we are so so thankful for all He has done, that we might “do a little dance unto Him,” even if it is in the privacy of our home.

Bobby had a speech impediment and could not talk until the age of 16 – when the Lord instantly healed him one night at a church service. When I began dating Bobby at the age of 17, (he was 18), he told me that when the Lord healed him, he would go into his room, lock the door, and dance before the Lord to thank Him and praise Him! (Of course, his step-mother looked into the “keyhole,” saw him dancing with no one, and had him taken before the judge to declare him insane. The judge reversed the decision and said, “I wish the whole world had what this young man has! Case dismissed!”)

Whatever way you have of “thanking the Lord” and “praising the Lord” in your way, let’s just do it! The Lord has already done so much for us, that even if we “danced until the Lord took us home,” it would not be enough praise for what He has done! So, whatever way you have of letting the Lord know how much you love Him, just do it! God looks on your heart!


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