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Praise Report:

Praise Report:

Last week, we showed you a picture of the beautiful church in Sapaterre, Haiti. This is in the village where all the people were making those “mud cookies,” you have seen. We started out by feeding the people regularly with the Feed My Starving Children food. Some of you even sponsored some of the ladies to start a job in the area, selling items. This was all a way to help the poor in this area.

Soon we had a big crusade there, and many people gave their hearts to the Lord… even the local witch doctor! We had a vision to build a church right there in the village. This was sponsored by the Click Family Foundation. Joseph, one of our workers, was ordained as the Pastor, and Peter, who also works for us, worked as Evangelist. The church has been growing but had no musical instruments, no P.A. System, nothing for music or crusades. They were really wanting to have a huge crusade at the church in January, but desperately needed the sound system, etc. All this cost $2,500.

When we posted it, the Click family saw the need and sent in $3,000 to cover everything. Then, they told us, “Bobby, if you had not posted about the need, we would have never known.”

We are so thankful for the beautiful church in Sapaterre and also to all those who have helped it get started with “one box of food,” with helping mothers get jobs, with building a beautiful church, and now, musical instruments, sound system, etc., to start the “New Year” off!!! They are so excited!!! Thank you and God bless you, Bobby and Sherry

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