Job is one of the kids from the Children’s Home. He has a pleasant disposition, always smiling, always respectful, and never a problem. He is 14 years old and is already about 6’2″. Job broke his leg a few years ago.
He has had pain that comes and goes for years, but never has complained or indicated that he needed medical help. A few weeks ago, Sherry noticed that Job was limping. She asked me to find him a doctor here in Santo Domingo who could take a look at it and make sure it was nothing serious.
After some x-rays, blood tests, and tissue samples, the doctors were confident that Job had a bone infection. The surgeons said they needed to cut it out. So we made arrangements for Job to have the surgery.
Yesterday, the surgeons opened his leg. To their surprise and dismay, they found that the infection was far worse than they thought. One surgeon said he had never seen anything like it. They worked for hours to remove the damaged tissue in his bone and in the surrounding area. They took biopsies of the damaged tissue and we should have results in the next day or so.
Job never really complained about pain or problems. He had a small wound on his shin and a barely noticeable limp. Thank God Sherry pressed in and saw a need for intervention.
We need your prayers though. The road to restoration will be difficult. We are praying for success and a quick recovery. We thought it would be a simple outpatient procedure, but now the doctors say that he will be in the hospital for several days.
The surgeon said if left untreated, at the very least he would have lost his leg, and might have even died. I was shocked, but at the same time, amazed to see what God has done. His leg is spared. His life is saved. Job will be fine. But the days ahead will be difficult. We covet your prayers. Job was given a miracle. But he needs strength and courage for the days ahead. Please pray.
-Jesse Ostrander