We are in the process this week of delivering the Mega premium rice to five different locations in Haiti. All of these places are many miles apart.
Below is “Barry” who helps deliver all the rice to some very tough locations. We are proud of Barry. He was one of the first four children, along with his siblings, who we took into our Children’s Home. Please pray for Barry and our Haitian workers to be safe on the road. The gangs, riots, roadblocks, and protesters have been unbelievable. We are in prayer that our workers will never be kidnapped, hurt, or the food trucks stolen on the road. We pray that the angels will watch over them as they travel to bless the children and families. Thank you for your prayers.
We’ve had one container of Feed My Starving Children meals come in last week and some more will come near the end of this week. PTL!
Update: Mark Ostrander and Bryon Ray arrived yesterday in Haiti to work on the Jesus Healing Center construction along with our wonderful Haitian workers. We are only allowing people to come in who are “mission-critical.”
Jesse and Kim Ostrander flew into the Dominican Republic yesterday. Sherry and I will be flying there tomorrow to meet them and work on some things together to bless the Haitian and Dominicans. Sherry and I will return to Haiti on Saturday.
We want to thank all of our friends and partners who make all of these food distributions and all of our other outreaches in Haiti possible! We could not do it without you!
Bobby Burnette