“Preparing for Disaster Relief.”
The Hurricane Season is upon us, and this is not only tough for the States, but for Haiti as well. Haiti has less than five percent of its forest areas left, as the topsoil has eroded away. When heavy rains come, it brings not only tropical storms and hurricanes but also flash floods. We are preparing “Disaster Relief” buckets, food, and other needed items right now. We are so thankful to MAP International and their President and CEO, Steve Stirling. We knew we had a 20-foot container coming, but we did not know it contained valuable Survival Kits with everything needed to sterilize water and much more. We also received special Hygiene Kits (blue bags), along with medicines! Wow! Thank you so much Steve, and thank you MAP International! It couldn’t have come at a better time! That’s just like our God! Sherry