Not much is known about Rebecca’s parents… perhaps both of them died, but one thing is known, it was about nine years ago that Nelio Barthelemy, our Haitian director, heard about a little girl, age three, who was about to be sold as a restavek slave child. The name, “restavek,” means to stay with, as when a child’s parents die, she would go to a family member. But, this little girl was going to be sold (I would hate to think about her future). She was brought to our Love A Child Children’s Home, where she instantly had more brothers and sisters than she could ever believe!
Rebecca, I believe, is Dominican. She has light skin color and long, black, thick hair. She could easily be a professional athlete because she has a strong build. She is so sweet, kind, and you would never know she is there. But, when she smiles, she lights up the room! She loves the Lord and loves to sing His praises!
She is now 13 and her dream is to be a dentist. She is a wonderful student and everyone loves her, especially us! The kids gave her a nickname… “duck!” She is another “gift from God!”