The Mobile Medical Clinic at Savaan Pit was incredible! We saw more patients with EXCELLENT DOCTOR CARE, free medicine, wound care, glasses, ministry and more. Here are the amazing results of this trip. In just two days, we saw 1,377 adults and children, distributed 6,713 medications, saw 180 in wound care, gave out 174 pairs of eyeglasses to the elderly, had 45 “plus” conversions (with follow up program), we did one surgery and sent three “near-death patients to the hospital!” Just look at the crowd on the second day of the clinic! We finally had to close when we ran out of medicine, but were able to give each mother a “Family Pack of Medicine” to take home! We want to thank the Lord, the team members, and thank you to our partner who sponsored this clinic and to those who gave large and small gifts to make this possible! God bless you! Sherry
Results of our Mobile Medical Clinic in Savaan Pit: 2-26-16 9:30 AM
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