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Roberta Edwards

Roberta Edwards – 10-12-15

We are so sad and in total shock. Words cannot express how we feel about the loss of our dear friend Roberta Edwards. She started and lived with the children of SonLight Children’s Home. Love A Child provided food for her orphans and other hungry children in her feeding programs every month for the last thirteen years. Saturday evening, while Roberta was getting gas near her orphanage, she was shot and killed. Two children were able to escape even though shots were also fired at them, and a third child that was only four-years-old was kidnapped. I cannot imagine the terror of seeing Roberta shot as the evil kidnappers took him away. Please pray for the kidnapped four-year-old, and all the children of the orphanage. Roberta was a soft-spoken woman who always spoke kind words. She was 55 years old and looking forward to the marriage of one of her children. Roberta was a hero of the FAITH! Her orphanage was always very clean and in perfect order. You could feel love as you walked through her door. Roberta, we will miss you dearly. Bobby and Sherry

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