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Rodna, Zoey, and Ericka… “Automatic Girls”

We go through washing machines like you can’t believe! We have a couple of “retired” ones sitting in the cement area by our driveway. I could not understand why we go through so many washing machines. We bought most of them in the Dominican Republic and I thought they were good.

We have about 80-plus people here and that is a lot of laundry! But, we have always had lots of laundry. With us today, are Rodna, Zoey, and Ericka. They never complain about washing clothes by hand… so, what was the problem with the washing machines?

I have recently had to send someone out to buy “likid” or “liquid.” This is a washing liquid that the ladies had been using for washing dishes and certain clothing items. But I just realized that they had been dumping a cup of the cheap stuff into the automatic washing machines, “which makes lots of suds” but causes the washing machine to have a heart attack!

Haitians do not understand that “just a little bit” can do the trick! They had been dumping a lot of the cheap “likid” (liquid) into our machines! Wow! That was the problem! I had to send someone across the border and into the Dominican Republic to get the real “laundry detergent” for automatic machines! So, in the meantime, I have substituted three of my “automatic girls” for three of the washing machines that have gone out! Ha!!!


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