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Samuel the Young Renaissance Man

Samuel… What a wonderful young man he has grown up to be… He is 17 years old and in the 8th grade. When he is not in school, Samuel helps with the “painting team” and loves to work! He enjoys basketball, football, and soccer! He loves music and is an excellent drummer! He plays in the children’s church service each night! He also loves to cook and draw in his spare time, but also loves to work at the Agricultural Training Center!

Samuel came from the mountains of Greffin, Haiti. His mother died in childbirth, and his father could not take care of him. In Samuel’s eyes, I remember the day that his father was holding him, crying and crying, because he could not take care of his baby. His father was a poor man, working in the gardens, but he knew that “another child” with no mother would only suffer. When we got Samuel, he had malnutrition and cried all of the time! What a sweet, respectful young man he has grown up to be!!! We love you, Samuel!!! Sherry

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