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Sandraline… “Lollipop”

Sandraline is so sweet. In Creole, we call her “Piwili.” She is now almost 13. Her mother had died and her young father fixed bicycles for a living in order to hire a woman to care for his baby. When he could no longer care for her, he brought he to us at Love A Child.

By the time he brought her to us, the baby was extremely malnourished.

Sandraline is sweet and is in 6th grade. She loves helping with the younger children and she loves helping in the laundry room and likes to “work!” She likes to play soccer. Her dream is to be a nurse.

She is a sweet young girl, and her father would be proud of her… But, he never comes to see her. Though, she is still a happy and content young lady.

We love her!!!


P.S. We need to put her on a diet… Ha! She loves “ti pa nou,” FMSC Food!

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