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“Sandraline… She’s a Tough Cookie!”

She was born in Croix-des-Bouquets. When her mother died, her father Fritzner got a job fixing bicycle tires but that was not enough to buy milk for the baby. By the time he came to us, she was malnourished and full of oozing sores. She cried constantly. She is sweet, but she is mentally challenged. Sandraline has difficulty talking and struggles in school. She could not pass her last grade and cried for days. Even though she is “slow,” she faces great challenges and won’t give up! In spite of this, she loves to sing and loves church! She is also “very good” with small children! If she cannot pass 8th grade, we will probably give her a job helping with the babies in our Malnutrition Clinic! She’s a tough cookie! She won’t give up!


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