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Sarah… All Grown Up!

Sarah… All Grown Up!

Sarah and her brother, Joseph, were brought to us by one of our Haitian Pastors. They are brother and sister. Their mother died after they were born and both developed severe malnutrition. Her father was poor and could not take care of the children. We brought them into our Orphanage and began the long task of getting these children back to health and saving their lives!

Joseph, Sarah’s brother, was quiet and studious. You would hardly know he is here or there… Sarah has grown up! But, when she was a teen, she really stretched my “little bit of mercy” I had left. Because she is a big girl, she was always trying to “be one” of the smaller girls.

Often, we would let the girls go to a local soccer game, just about five minutes away. I would always make sure the teenagers looked presentable… dresses not too short, pants not too tight. When you have a load of teenagers, it is like “watching over a drum of rats,” as the Haitians say! Sarah would always get dressed and then right before the bus left, change into one of her sister’s skirts and tops.

Just as the bus was leaving one afternoon, I happened to “re-check” the kids on the bus! Sarah had a size “5” cramped into a size 14! When I forgive once, that is a warning… but when they do it twice or three times, it’s time for a little “come to Jesus talk!” The next day, I packed Sarah and her clothes and sent her back to her father. We still paid her way through High School, but I wanted her to learn a lesson before she came back. When she did, she was really changed! She was mature, sweet, kind, respectful, and obedient! She worked hard and appreciated everything so much more!!

Sarah has a great gift of organization! She wanted to go to college for administration, so we sent her to one in Port-au-Prince! During the week, she is in college and all the kids stay together at an apartment we have rented. The older ones come home on the weekends. I can say that Sarah has really changed! We are so proud of her!!! (One day, I’ll tell you about her “trip to the mountains,” where she came from!!!!) I can say with all my heart, that we are so, so proud of Sarah!! When she finishes, I know she will have a job waiting at Love A Child! (Maybe we can put her over the teenage girls!! Ha!)


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