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“Saving Little Lives…”

“Saving Little Lives…”

“And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me.” Matt 18:5

These are some cuties from our Malnutrition Center Clinic. I never understood how “expensive” it would be to have a Malnutrition Center Clinic, but the Lord told us to build one! There are certain employees we need on staff always… nurses, those who are specially trained for [working with] malnourished children, a pediatrician, etc.

There are also cooks, and “nannies.” All these people do not work 24/7, of course, so we must have double the people for night-time. There are the “cleaners” who have to keep everything clean and sanitized. There are people who “wash clothes, sheets, etc…”

Then, there is the “very expensive” milk that comes from overseas, as we cannot buy it here in Haiti. Then, of course, is the person who must input all the information into the computer and those who take pictures of their growth, which are required.

And then, of course, maintenance, diesel fuel, food for all the workers, maintenance, etc… yard-upkeep. These little ones are “extremely frail,” and some will be here for quite a long time.

Every one of our employees “love these children” and they “love their jobs!”

In addition, we have the “out-patient children,” who come once a week with their mother after they are released. We send the “expensive milk” home with their mother and also Feed My Starving Children Food for the whole family.

So, we need a minimum of $10,000 a month for our Malnutrition Center Clinic to meet these needs. Last night, late, we received a call from a donor who is “up in her 90’s.” She was so excited about the program that she has pledged $1,000 per month! We are so thankful for all of you who give online, or through the mail. We have some sweeties that can send $10 a month and less… It takes “all of us working together!!!”

This project is very close to our hearts, so if the Lord is speaking to you to help in some way, here is our email address: [email protected] or you can give online: or by phone… 239 210-6107

The Lord blesses those who bless the poor, especially the children!

God bless you,

P.S. We always need Children’s clothing, ages 6 months to 5 years, boys, and girls… Please, if you happen to see something on sale, grab it and pack and ship to the address below! Together, we are saving little lives!

Please send packages to our street address:
12411 Commerce Lakes Drive
Fort Myers, Florida 33913-8664

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