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Shy Dieubon

Shy Dieubon

Dieubon is such a funny guy! He came to us when he had really, really deformed clubfeet; he was about the age of five. We sent him to the states for surgery and he stayed in the home of our dear friends, Doc and Debbie, for about two years. When he came back to Haiti, he was walking great, however, he also had spina bifida and had to have surgery.

He is doing fine now. Dieubon has a job on our “painting team,” and he loves to paint!! With the money he earns, he helps to care for his family… several brothers and sisters. Dieubon is always happy! Of course, all the kids here have a nickname for each other… and he is “SpongeBob!” Dieubon is always the first one up and ready to go!!!

I caught him in his nice “duds,” and asked him if he had a girlfriend! “No,” he replied and hurriedly walked away from Poppie. He is very shy and that’s why Bobby teases him so much! Dieubon can stand on his own and he always has a funny answer back! He is respectful, kind, and obedient. I never have to tell him “twice” to do something. You say it and it’s done! I love that!! All our children have different personalities, but all of them know they are blessed by God!!! We love Dieubon!!!


P.S. Incidentally, Dieubon means, “God is good!”

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