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Stephanie… A Life Turned Around

This sweet young lady is the sister of George. George was the baby of a poor woman who wanted to give him away because she had too many children. After she had George, she had Stephanie, but by then, her health was failing, and she died. So, we took Stephanie in.

Stephanie is sweet, but stubborn! She often wanted to go in a different direction, and she made some bad choices. But, when you raise 85 kids, they are not alike. However, Stephanie turned her life around and is now in college for Administration. She is in her third year and works part-time at our Love A Child office. She is trustworthy and does exactly what she is told to do. She is extremely quiet and reliable!!

We love Stephanie and we think that everyone deserves a second chance!! After all, that’s what the Lord does! He is “the God of the Second Chance!”


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