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Still Waiting on Those Teeth!

Still Waiting on Those Teeth!

Ti Samuel (Little Samuel) came to us at the age of two. It was Social Services that brought him to us. We heard that his mother was unable to care for him, but then we were also told that she died in childbirth. There was no comment on what happened to his father, and nothing mentioned of any siblings.

Little Samuel has been a joy and he’s a very intelligent little boy. We had lots of physical problems with him, regarding his stomach and stomach pains. This had gone on for some time, and it seems that he has finally outgrew them. Little Samuel is quiet and a “tough little kid!” Everyone loves him. He loves soccer and working in the garden! He loves to sing but sings loud and off-key!

This picture was taken Sunday morning when he was getting ready to go to church. He is so small, yet he decided to try to read his Bible! We all love “Little Samuel!” We just hope he grows some teeth soon!


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