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Thank You for Giving to the Poor

Thank You for Giving to the Poor

“What Better Gift to Give to the Lord?”

As we just passed through “another Christmas,” in spite of what is going on around the world and here in the states, we have “much to be thankful for.” These precious Haitian children are from a new village where we started working… but, further up in the mountains are many villages just like this one.

One of those huge “cooking pots,” you see, will feed approximately 100 children, more or less. This would be their “only meal” for that day, and that is why they are so thankful for the food. What better gift to give to the Lord, “all next year” than to feed hungry children and take away the pain of hunger.

Jesus taught us about “tithes, offerings, and alms,” to the poor. Tithes are what we “owe God.” We are merely giving Him, His small tithe, or ten percent back, which is what the Bible says, that we owe… so, this is not a gift, it is a requirement.

The second type of giving is offerings. These are offering gifts that God speaks to your heart “to go further than your required ten percent.” This is where the Blessings begin to come upon your life.

The third type, which Jesus loves, is “alms” to the poor. This means, “giving to the poor,” and “to those who cannot recompense you back.” If you take a wealthy person to lunch, he can always treat you to lunch, someday… but, the poor cannot pay you back. You “know” that when you give to the poor, you expect nothing back from them. This is when the Psalms 41:1-3 “Seven Supernatural Blessings” come upon you!!! What better “gift” can you give to the Lord, but to help those “who cannot give you anything back at all… except for a grateful heart!”

Thank you, partners and friends, for all your giving to the poor, beyond your tithes, and offerings you gave “alms” to the poor! Sherry and I want to thank you, with “all our hearts” for your giving this past year!!!! Words cannot express our deepest love and appreciation for all your “many sacrifices.” Love from our hearts, Bobby and Sherry

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