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Thank you, Partners!

Thank you, Partners!

We wish to thank our partners who have been sending in dresses and clothing for the girls and boys.

Here, we see Ginyia, Rodna, Mikalange, Fabiola, Nazarene (Rachael), and Zoey. They were so excited to receive these clothes from one of our partners.

Here in Haiti, in most Christian orphanages, we try to keep the girls in “modest clothing.” There are so many children who are not Christians who would try to get them to dress provocatively. This is a problem here in Haiti with so many young girls getting pregnant and losing their education.

We love our children and want them to grow up serving the Lord, getting a college education, and then, God will find them the right husband.

This is a big family to raise and a big responsibility!

We love them all.


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