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Thanks for “Not Giving Up On Us!”

Bobby and I are just sitting here talking and thanking God for what He has brought us through, and also thinking about all our wonderful partners, who have “had our backs” all this time in Haiti!

If it were not for you, your love, your prayers, your encouragement, and your giving, it would have been hard to “stick it out” all these years…

I’m thinking about “how far” God has brought us… When we first moved to Haiti during the Embargo, we had to go way down the mountain to Petionville, and “wait in line” to get into “a Haitian telephone booth” to do our Radio Program live!

Since our program was 15 minutes long, the Haitians were “banging on the plastic glass door” (while we were on the air) telling us they wanted our phone booth!

We have “come a long way” together, and we thank you so much for “loving us and praying for us” all these years! We have the best partners in the world!

Bobby and Sherry


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