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The Easter Resurrection Play

Our older Love A Child children have always been taught “that when you do something,” especially for the Lord, do it “first class.” For many months, they have been making costumes for the “Easter Story, practicing new Praise Dances,” and perfecting a difficult play about Jesus… Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem with everyone praising Him and His betrayal, His death, and resurrection (Moses played the part of Jesus)!

Our Love A Child children do things “first class” for the Lord! We have been no help nor given advice to them. They did all this, “on their own!” We are so proud of our 85 children… older and younger ones! They could have never made it this far, from babies and toddlers, to what they are today, if not for “you,” our friends and partners! Thank you for all your love, prayers, and financial sacrifices! You have planted seeds “in good soil!” May God richly bless you this Resurrection Day.

Bobby and Sherry

P.S. We will have more pictures to share tomorrow.

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