It takes a lot of work to organize a Mobile Medical Clinic to the mountains of Haiti! If we do the hard work first, we can see a “lot of people” each day!
My three helpers are Madamn Jesula, Madamn Denise, and Madamn Roselyne. Alfred has been with us for ten years, and he is actually in charge of all the food that is cooked for workers and teams (when we have them). Alfred is also quick to lend a hand with those heavy boxes of medicines. (I broke my back twice in Haiti lifting them!)
Some of these wonderful medicines came from MAP International and some from International Aid. What a HUGE BLESSING! All the rest had to be purchased in Port-au-Prince, which is hours away in traffic and most times, very dangerous!
All medicines must be labeled in Creole and have to be explained carefully to the mountain people. The results are amazing…lives are touched, miracles happen, children are rescued “just in time” from horrible sicknesses, and the people leave knowing “God loved them so much” that He would send the best doctors, nurses, and caregivers He could find! Thank you, wonderful friends and partners, for being the “Good Samaritans” right from your home. Sherry
Note: Our clinic will be run by a team of our Haitian doctors, nurses, and staff. It is far too dangerous to bring in teams from the States at this time.