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The Liberal Soul

Ever wonder why the blessings of God “just seem to fall on some people?” It seems that “everything they touch” is blessed. The Bible says that “There is that scattered and yet, increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than I smell, but it tendeth to poverty.” “The liberal soul shall be made fat; and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.” Prov. 11:24,25

It may be hard to believe, but there are “stingy missionaries” also. They don’t like to tip the poor, who work hard… and most times, they can’t even say “thank you.” They expect “everyone to give to them, but they give to no one.” We have met one or two who feel “the whole world revolves around them.” Not only are they cheap, but they are also condescending. You always know “cheap people” when you are around them, even after just a few minutes… The world revolves around them, and them alone.

When we learn to give, the blessings of God will “chase us down.” When Bobby and I got married, he tilted a little much on the “giving side!” We had a tiny little wooden, one-bedroom house, and as soon as we were married, he tried to “give it away!” I had to talk him out of it because we were “just married” and had no money at all. Later, one day, he tried to give away our bed… (I can’t remember but I think he did!) Someone gave us a nice car and he gave that away too… God had to teach him that there is a balance in everything.

Bobby and I love to give. If he wants to give money to someone, anyone, I don’t give it a thought… and he does that quite frequently. I never worry about it. Money has to circulate. It leaves your hands, it blesses someone, but it comes back more…

And, when you go to a restaurant, always leave 20 percent (or more). Tipping is like giving! And for goodness sakes, if your waitress or waiter has done a good job, and you “don’t want to tip a good tip,” then “DON’T LEAVE A GOSPEL TRACT!

If you leave a Gospel Tract, “leave a good tip!” I know you will! God bless you, have a great day, and “look for someone to bless today!” Sherry

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