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The Story of Alexandre Addline

The Story of Alexandre Addline

This poor woman, Madamn Addline, found it hard to make a living… Her husband is a farmer, but it has been difficult to grow anything in the poor soil.

Each day, Madamn Addline has struggled to help do her part to find food. She began selling soap and cheap perfume on the streets… she did not really want to do this, but she had to in order to get a little money for herself and her husband to eat. Sometimes, she has spent a whole day without eating anything… Each day was a struggle to find food. Each day, her husband’s garden produced less and less.

She never had any hope of having her baby in a clean and beautiful place like our Love A Child Birthing Center… When she arrived, she began to give birth. She suffered a lot and lost a lot of blood. The midwife gave her RJ serum because she had lost too much blood. Immediately after giving birth, she began to lose blood. The midwives and nurses immediately began to care for her.

Before she came to our Birthing Center she thought, “If I cannot afford food, how will I afford to have my baby in a clean place.” But someone had told her about our Jesus Healing Center.

Imagine this poor woman, giving birth in a beautiful, clean room, and getting to rest in another beautiful room with Christian music playing and food to eat… and nice new clothes and blankets for her baby!

Thank you, dear, wonderful partners, for helping to sponsor the Birthing Center each month, and to those who gave to help us with other items! You are blessed for helping the poor!

God bless you back 100-fold,

Posted in Latest News