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The Story of Roudjinie Jean…

This story is told by Dieuferly D’or, our photographer. He was raised in our orphanage since he was a toddler… This heart-wrenching story will help you understand how well “you and your children and grandchildren” have been blessed.


Roudjinie Jean, a 9-year-old girl from Port City, shared her heartbreaking story with us. Originally from the mountain village of Dekouvè, she moved with her parents to Port City, hoping for a better life. They left behind a place where they faced humiliation, dreaming of a future in Fond-Parisien where they could afford school, a better living, and new friends.

Despite their efforts, Roudjinie’s reality is very tough. “I’m not comfortable because I can’t find enough children to play with,” she said, her young voice tinged with sadness. She bravely admitted, “I won’t lie to you. This is the truth: I often spend days without eating.”

In our interview, she revealed the depths of her suffering—hunger, depression, and the endless struggle to help her family survive. The images we captured show a resilient girl doing everything she can to support her loved ones despite the immense challenges. Roudjinie’s story is a poignant reminder of the harsh realities faced by many and the urgent need for support and compassion.

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