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The Village of Manacou

The Village of Manacou…

Early this morning, we left for the mountains of Manacou, Haiti, with two “troop carriers full of food” and two more four-wheel-drive vehicles. (We tried to send a post early before we left, but due to internet connections, or lack of, it did not go through).

This poor village has a sad story. A majority of the men here left their wives and went to the Dominican Republic and never came back! This meant that the women had to work the fields, with the help of the children…and in this area, very few crops grow. None of the children we know of have ever been to school. We talked to many of the women and heard their sad stories and the children’s stories; it was so heart-wrenching.

We gave food to 200 families and had a large feeding program for “many” children. We also brought back a “restavek slave child,” named Jonas… he had been working in the fields for years, “just for food.” He didn’t even know how old he was…Haiti is in a food crisis and a “perilous political crisis” of gangs with guns. If ever Haiti needed us, it is now.

Thank you, partners, for all that you do, from small and widow’s mite to larger donations…when we work together, we get more done for the poor!

Bobby and Sherry

Posted in Latest News