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Two Peas in a Pod!

Two Peas in a Pod!

Jameson and Jonas are two of my favorite boys! They are always happy, sweet, smiling, and funny! Jameson came to us because he had such a horrible skin condition that was inherited from his mother. Oftentimes his mouth and other parts of his body will be broken out attacking certain areas of his body. Then he has to be scrubbed down with soap and betadine. He had suffered a lot. He cannot be in dusty areas and with the change of weather, he gets worse but always, always, has a smile!

Jonas, the one in the blue, is a rescued slave child. We put him in school with the kindergarten kids because he is just now learning his letters and numbers. Nothing bothers him or upsets him. He smiles 24/7! We just love these two little guys so much!  When God made them, He did some of His work!!


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