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Update from the Mission Field

Update from the Mission Field

A wall around our Love A Child property!

David and Angie George felt a burden to build a Love A Church in a poor area Villa Hermosa, Dominican Republic, some time ago. It’s an area that has a lot of poor Haitians, Dominicans, and a lot of children. Now David and Angie have a desire to build a children’s outreach with a playground, basketball court, and children’s activities. So we went in together and bought the land. Now David’s dream is coming to pass! He really has some big dreams for what will happen there!

The children are the future of the Dominican Republic and Haiti!

Bobby Burnette

Note: Please read David’s script below.

Hello Bobby and Sherry, 

Our American and Dominican team worked so hard on this wall. The block is finished, they are pouring the columns right now, and then the CHAIN LINK FENCE will go on top of the block. We have 2 sliding gates, one gate in the front of our church and a second gate in the back!! And I got the HONOR TO LAY THE LAST BLOCK!!!! We used 4 of our teenage boys from the church and they worked so hard. Tim bought each boy a brand new pair of AIR JORDAN TENNIS SHOES!!! They grinned from ear to ear. What a spiritual impact we are making in Villa Hermosa!!

Love ya!!
David and Angie

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