Tent update for earthquake victims:
We have received enough money for a little over 2,100 tents! This is including the double matching grant for tents.
Our goal was 1,000 tents. We have way surpassed the goal!! We are good for tents.
Today, we are purchasing 1,500 tents from Bass Pro Headquarters.
Sent the money today for a missionary to buy 200 tents, plus rice, beans, etc., to put in their container to ship ASAP for deep into the interior.
Feed My Starving Children Meals:
Mark Crea, the President of FMSC, called this morning.
They are increasing our containers of FMSC meals by 4 extra per month!! Wow!
They had just increased our 8 containers per month to 11… Now, this! PTL!
Faith doesn’t know we don’t have the money!
We are praying for the needs of FMSC. I know they have a heavy burden upon them.
We love and appreciate them…
Love is something you do!
Missionary Bobby Burnette