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UPDATE: Kia Truck

UPDATE: Kia Truck

Here are some pictures that were taken today of us picking up the new Kia truck here in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. PTL! Standing with us is RL and Vanessa Ministerio who work with us in the Dominican Republic. David George and Angie work with us too. We all work together in the Dominican Republic through Love A Child.

Here is a story… I tried to raise the funds to purchase a used truck. I could not raise a dime. The Lord spoke to my heart and said, “You need a new truck to work in the Dominican Republic.” Immediately, the Spirit spoke to an anonymous couple to give the total amount needed! PTL! Starting on June 2nd, RL, Vanessa, and David and Angie George will be delivering food to the (bateys) sugarcane camps, where Haitians live and work. God bless you! The Haitians live in unbelievable conditions… many, if not most of the children will never go to school. But they will have food, clothes, and toys coming in the new truck!

The truck will be used to take the PA system and musical instruments to our Love A Child church each Sunday. David George sponsored the funds to build and furnish the church. Before this a truck had to be rented each week, but not anymore! The new Kia truck will start working tomorrow for the Lord! Thank you for your prayers. Miracles happen!

Missionary Bobby Burnette


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