This young boy is Mackenson, one of the little boys at our orphanage and his father. I remember the day that his father brought him to us at a Mobile Medical Clinic in Covant. He was suffering from severe “Kwashiorkor Malnutrition.” His arms and legs were so swollen that they were splitting open. He was seven-years-old, sitting on his daddy’s lap but he looked like he was only two-years-old. This was his father’s latest visit to see Mackenson and look how much he has changed! Saving the life of one child means a world of difference. There is no telling what Mackenson will become and what great things he will do for his country and the Kingdom of God! Our Love A Child Partners are the best in the world! We love you! Bobby and Sherry
Update on Mackenson 2-7-17 10:30 AM
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