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Update On Casimi – Semi-Truck Rice Container

Update On Casimi – Semi-Truck Rice Container

Sorry, yesterday afternoon we lost our internet until just about 2 hours ago.

Casimi did not make it to the Port-Au-Prince Port to pick up our container of rice yesterday due to all the shooting.

He tried again today, but the gangs were shooting at each other in Croix-des-Bouquets, all day long. This is one of the towns he must travel through. Pray that he will be able to make it on Monday to pick up the rice at the Port. Just the Port area by itself is dangerous.

Everyone from the earthquake needs the food desperately.

Every time Casimi leaves to pick up the rice that we bought at the Port, Sherry and I are on edge.

Casimi is our hero for the poor. He has nerves of steel! The angels fly close to Casimi!

Thank you for your prayers for Casimi.

When we give food to least of these little ones, the Bible teaches us we are giving the food to Jesus himself! Matthew 25:40

Love is something you do!
Missionary Bobby Burnette


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