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Update on Dieuferly and Jasson

Dieuferly and little Jasson are on their way back from Santo Domingo today. It’s about a five-hour drive. Please pray for a safe trip on the road.

Jasson met with his kidney specialist and had more blood tests and other checkups. The blood tests did not turn out well at all. His renal function is not good. We are waiting for a full report from the doctor through Jesse Ostrander. We had changed his diet but apparently, Jasson must go on a different, more difficult, and restricted diet. The doctor is saying soon he will need his own dialysis machine.

Dieuferly had wonderful news! He is so excited! The doctor wants to hold off with surgery on his right foot for six months to see if an orthopedic device will work. The doctor is hoping it will straighten out his foot, taking some of the pressure off. It will take two weeks to build the custom-fitted device. Please pray!

Last evening, Jesse took Jasson and Dieuferly on their first roller coaster and Ferris wheel ride. They had a blast! Jesse said Jasson screamed all the way on the roller coaster ride!

Thank you, Jesse, and everyone who prayed for Dieuferly and Jackson.

Thank you to the very special couple who has been paying for this and will be purchasing the future dialysis machine. We are praying for a miracle that Jackson will not need the machine.

Love is something you do…
Missionary Bobby Burnette

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