Djonsly has come a long way, in the grace of God. You may recall that Djonsly was the young man who was brought to our clinic by his mother about two years ago. His eyeball was literally “hanging out of its socket,” and his mother had “tried many doctors” like the widow woman in the Bible. Then, someone told her to go to “Love A Child.”
When our doctor examined Djonsly and sent him in for X-rays, they discovered he had a cancer in the back of his head that was “pushing the eyeball out of its socket!” By a miracle we found a surgeon and hospital in Miami to take Djonsly in! God worked a miracle, and Djonsly’s doctor removed the tumor and pushed the eye back in its socket. Even though he is blind in that eye, Djonsly is remarkable. He is still near the hospital in case they have to do another operation… so in the meantime, he is going to school. He is now in high school and with only one eye, he makes higher grades than the rest! His mother loves him! His dream is to become a doctor! God is still a miracle worker!!!