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Update on Fabienne

Fabienne’s mother worked for us at our old, run-down, first orphanage. She brought her little girl, Fabienne, to work each day. A problem arose and we had to let her mother go… but she left Fabienne behind. That was good for us. Fabienne has always been a sweet, giggling “girly girl.” She is shy and laughs a lot when she is nervous. If she is in trouble, you can tell it on her face. She gets her feelings hurt easily and the number one “man in her life,” is her “poppy Bobby!” I believe this is because she never had a father figure, and neither did most of our other children.

Fabienne is in her third year of dental college to be a dental hygienist. It’s funny how a “gift” can fall upon your shoulders when you are helping someone or volunteering. That’s what happened to Fabienne… she began helping dentists when they came to Haiti to do dental work. Fabienne assisted them and also cleaned their instruments. She was “meticulous.” When she finished high school, she went right to dental college to become a hygienist. She still has a while to go before she is finished, but she loves what she does. She still sees her mother and has a good relationship with her. She has been a joy to raise and we love her so much, Sherry

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