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Update on Florence

Update on Florence

Florence and her three siblings, Yolanda (nicknamed Dana), Franceau, and Julia all came to us when Florence was one year old. Her mother had died, leaving four children and a father that could not afford to care for them. Yolanda teaches pre-school at Love A Child, Julia is a lab tech at our Birthing Center, and Franceau is studying to be a pastor. He helps with anything “electronic” or helps in building projects, etc.

Florence has had “the gift of God in her hands” to become a physical therapist. In the same way that the “mantle” fell upon Elisha from Elijah the prophet, the “mantle” for physical therapy fell upon Florence right after the earthquake. She was helping the physical therapists, and God gave her a “gift,” a “mantle.” She got a partial scholarship to go to Italy and study there because there is not a good “physical therapy program” to study here in Haiti. She got a late start going to Italy. They are making her take radiology before she goes and she is taking it now. However, she just texted and told me that she has “28 exams” to take in January! If anyone can do it, Florence can! These children are the future of Love A Child and the “future of Haiti!” (Florence said she is not allowed to take pictures during class, so I am posting this one again.)


P.S. I told Florence to find a “good looking Christian Italian,” while she is there! Ha!!!

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