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Update on Jackson

Update on Jackson

As many of you know, we found Jackson in the mountains of Savaan Pite, Haiti during a Mobile Clinic. He had a severe case of Kwashiorkor Malnutrition, which causes the body to retain fluid. He had a “huge belly.” We began to treat him and had him in the hospital on medication, but he grew worse. Finally, we had to take him the Dominican Republic to a specialist.

They recommended that we buy a dialysis machine to take to Haiti (because there is only one in Haiti that we know of). By a miracle, God supplied the need and two of our nurses were sent to the DR for training, along with Jackson. One of those nurses is Phanise. She works full-time here at Love A Child. I went in and asked her to show me the way she has to get everything ready for dialysis for Jackson and what was involved in getting everything sterile.

You can see by the pictures that it is very complicated. It took about 35 minutes just to sanitize everything, before starting dialysis. Jackson is on the machine here at the Children’s Home all night long until morning. It is tough for him, because he is also on a special diet. He cannot do the things the other kids do, so sometimes he is lonely. But he realizes that God has given him life.

We pray in the future, that God will either heal him, or make a way for him to get a kidney transplant. But until then, this is what we have to work with. God has given us many children but there are about 10 that have special medical needs, and one of them is Jackson. He is a “gift from God,” and we love him!

We want to thank our loving partners, with tears in our eyes, for their sacrificial help with this dialysis machine and all the medicines that go with it! God must have a special plan for Jackson’s life!!


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