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Update on Jackson

If you have never met Jackson, you have missed a blessing! We first found him during a Mobile Clinic in the mountains of Savaan Pit, Haiti! His stomach was huge and holding water because his kidneys were failing. We brought him home to our orphanage.
We began sending him to Haitian doctors, who made matters much worse. They had him on a dialysis machine for adults. (There were no others available in this whole area.)
We finally were able to get him across the border to the Dominican Republic. One of our partners sponsored a portable children’s dialysis machine. He now receives dialysis each night from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., and he can travel with his machine and all of his medicines.
However, because he was in the Dominican Republic last week, he missed his final tests and will have to repeat his grade. Jackson is very intelligent!
We hope to be able soon to find a kidney donor. We know God is in control!
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