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Update on Jean Richard

Update on Jean Richard

Richard came to us immediately after the 2010 earthquake, he was raised in another orphanage, but it was destroyed. So, Richard came to live with us. He is handicapped but very intelligent. He makes good grades in school.

With the help of our friends, we bought a keyboard, drums, and a bass guitar for our Love A Child children to learn to play “by ear.” Richard had never had any lessons, but God came right down on his hands and taught him how to play!

He is very professional… He is now 25 and in his last grade at school. Even though he loves to play in special services and at night in our children’s church, his passion is teaching music. So, he is teaching them to play by “ear.” He is very patient… the music room was right below Bobby and me, and we could hear him teaching many of the children how to play… “even the girls are playing drums!” Now that he is almost finished with school (we hope for good) he wants to take professional music lessons in the city. We are concerned about getting him back and forth… He has a special “pushchair,” that is with him all the time, but if he has to take the “tap tap,” people would be pushing him and knocking him down.

Tap tap is public transportation. They use a pick-up truck and put seats inside and stick two more outside. It is limited to the number it can carry and they almost kill someone to get a seat! They are very “pushy” to get a ride. Even if he rides moto, he cannot take his “special chair” with him.

We sent him to the city to get all the information and try to find a place near his “music lessons.” Maybe we could rent him a room or something. I’m afraid if we cannot, all his dreams will be shattered. I am so concerned about him because he is so sweet and gentle. He never raises his voice or gets mad. He only wants to play music and teach. He wants to “learn more!”

We are so proud of Richard!!! We will keep you posted on what we find out and if he can take music lessons. Actually, he doesn’t really need them; he is so good, but he says we should always strive to do better for Jesus! We love Richard so much! We will keep you posted. Oh yes… a miracle! I got to swap rooms with the “food storage room,” which is now under Bobby and me. It is so much quieter!!!











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